Exterior of Saft America Battery 澳门足彩app Facility
澳门足彩app与SAFT工艺和主题专家密切合作,深入了解锂离子的独特构造需求, 然后创建了一个设施,不仅是最先进的设施,而且获得了LEED银级认证.


澳门足彩app Poised to Help Advanced Manufacturers Reshore Production



与上世纪90年代末的离岸外包同样或相反的反应是,美国企业的外包势头正在增长.S. 先进的制造商在国内扩大生产设施和产能.

成本节约,主要是由于较低的劳动力成本,一度使离岸外包成为一个有吸引力的选择. But technology 和 automation, such as 3D printing, have eroded wage differentials over the past decade, 制造商对远程制造中固有的质量控制和供应链挑战的容忍度已经下降.

In early June, the U.S. Senate passed the U.S. 《澳门足彩app》是美国历史上最具扩张性的产业政策.S. 历史. 该法案将投资近2500亿美元,建设美国的澳门足彩app和技术能力,以应对国际竞争造成的供应链问题, mainly from 中国, 和 laid bare by the COVID-19 p和emic. Areas affected include semiconductor manufacturing, artificial intelligence research, 机器人, 航天航空领域的量子计算等技术.

This 5-year effort, which still must pass in the U.S. House of Representatives, would boost domestic manufacturers, 帮助解决全球芯片短缺问题,吸引国际半导体制造商将其业务带到美国.

Whether it is spurred by legislation or private-sector dem和, 先进澳门足彩app生产能力的回流是一项可行的举措. 经过多年的成长和适应不断与成熟的伙伴合作 航空, 航空航天,Advanced 澳门足彩app clients, 澳门足彩app is uniquely positioned to facilitate the process.

“我们为客户提供大型工业工厂和技术型制造的宝贵背景和经验,” 迈克Helton, 澳门足彩app’s Vice President of 规划 和 Development. “不仅仅是从了解设施内的机器如何运作, 但如何设计和建造厂房和室内环境,以容纳先进水平的制造设备和保证生产吞吐量, 一直到了解供应链和房地产交易的前端要素.”

澳门足彩app has personnel in Fort Worth, 德州, 工业资产管理委员会(IAMC) 2021年春季专业论坛, where they will interact with a host of prospective 航空航天, Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) 和 Advanced 澳门足彩app clients.

管理用水是有效的先进制造的必要考虑因素, 以及澳门足彩app在与美国许多大品牌合作的长期历史中积累的专业知识 食物 & 饮料 industry transfers seamlessly.

For example, 澳门足彩app’s 工业用水 team helped Bush Brothers & Company undertake sustainable upgrades at a Bush’s Beans manufacturing facility in D和ridge, Tennessee, 确保符合当前和未来的国家环境和保护要求,同时结合可持续的做法,降低长期运营成本. What was formerly classified as production waste now is harnessed, 清理并分发给产生它的过程使用.

现在, apply that approach at a microchip manufacturing facility, where each tiny chip requires roughly 10 gallons of water, much of which must be disposed of because of toxins, treated before release or re-use.

“芯片制造商在生产过程中使用大量的水,”他说 肖蒂芙尼, 澳门足彩app’s Market Leader for Industrial 水. “这包括冲洗和引入重金属和有毒溶剂. You can’t just dump the water; it requires significant treatment. 我们与各行各业的许多公司在水的再利用方面进行合作. Using water more efficiently 和 being good environmental stewards 好处大家都.”

澳门足彩app在十几个地方展示了其协助公司进行先进澳门足彩app务回流的能力,但最令人印象深刻的莫过于 位于佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔的SAFT美国电池制造工厂. 作为《澳门足彩app》的一部分,能源部资助了锂离子电池供应链保护项目. 该设施, 2011年开业, is one of the most advanced, 在世界范围内建立了自动化的锂离子电池工厂,并吸引了来自美国.S. President Barack Obama in 2016, 当他称赞SAFT为美国提供高科技澳门足彩app就业机会时.S. 和 hiring nearly 40 percent military veterans.

SAFT开发先进的技术电池-具有低环境影响-为航空, 国防, energy storage 和 renewables, 海洋, 医疗, 石油和天然气, 铁路, 空间, telecommunications 和 utility metering industries. 特别是, 杰克逊维尔工厂生产最先进的电信电池解决方案, 运输, 国防, smart grid support 和 renewable energy storage. 澳门足彩app combined manufacturing, administrative 和 support areas into a smart, sustainable structure that produces 4.8 million cells annually.

“我们可以看到真实, tangible evidence of what a new economy looks like,” President Obama said during his visit. “It looks like this facility right here.”

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in 体系结构, 工程, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app is a global, 完全集成, single-source design-build 和 EPC firm with over 2,200 highly specialized, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global 和 emerging clients.

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