

孟山都公司 utilized 澳门足彩app’s expert design team to create state-of-the-art processing facilities.

孟山都公司, one of the world’s largest sustainable agriculture companies, 结出果实的种子, 蔬菜, 以及主要作物,比如玉米, soybeans and cotton – that help farmers have better harvests while using water and other important resources more efficiently. As their business has expanded through the years, 孟山都公司 has turned to 澳门足彩app’s team of 工程 experts on multiple occasions to help them design and upgrade several state-of-the-art facilities for processing corn and cottonseed across the Midwest.

Three separate plants were designed to facilitate 孟山都公司’s corn and cotton processing needs.

澳门足彩app designed two greenfield corn seed processing facilities for two 150-acre sites in Waco, 内布拉斯加州, 和独立, 爱荷华州. Each of these facilities included systems for corn receiving, 脱壳分拣, 干燥, 调理和大容量储存. Plans also included a dust collection system and utility infrastructure as well as railroad improvements and office space. 除了玉米加工, our 工程 team was also able to design a soybean processing system at the Independence 位置 based on 孟山都公司’s original prototype.

A third facility, for cottonseed processing, was also designed for a site in Lubbock, 德州. 这500,000-square-foot facility was designed to be 孟山都公司’s primary 棉籽加工中心 in the U.S. with included systems for cleaning, treating and bagging 孟山都公司’s Deltapine® brand of cottonseed.

In addition to generating the original designs for all three of these facilities, we also provided additional design and construction support for expansions to these 位置s.

Each of these projects added to 澳门足彩app’s growing manufacturing design resume in the agricultural market.

Agriculture is a critical industry around the globe. We are always happy to work with manufacturers in this market, 像孟山都, to optimize their operations and bolster production growth with new innovations and technology.



  • 设计ed two greenfield, state-of-the-art corn seed processing facilities
  • 两个设施都包括接收, 剥壳, 排序, 干燥, 调节, 存储和公用设施基础设施
  • Our design team also developed the process design for soybean processing at the Independence, IA, 位置
  • 澳门足彩app supplied design and construction support services for a greenfield, state-of-the-art cotton seed processing facility in Lubbock, 德州
  • 作为孟山都公司在美国的主要业务.S. 棉籽加工中心, 这个设施设计包括清洁, 棉籽处理及套袋
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.



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